Opatrovanie detí v The Hague: Valerie


Opatrovanie detí v The Hague: Valerie


Hodinová sadzba
11,00 €/hod

Automatické preklady nemusia byť úplne presné.

Hello, we are a French family with 2 kids aged 8 and 10, and live in a nice house with a small garden in the center of the Hague, well connected by public transportation means. We are looking for a Dutch-speaking nanny to take care of the kids after school on 1 to 2 days a week , at our place or your place if you live close by. You might have to bring the kids to activities, either around the corner..

Hello, we are a French family with 2 kids aged 8 and 10, and live in a nice house with a small garden in the center of the Hague, well connected by public transportation means. We are looking for a Dutch-speaking nanny to take care of the kids after school on 1 to 2 days a week , at our place or your place if you live close by. You might have to bring the kids to activities, either around the corner or well connected by public transportation. Time would be between 15.30 and 18.00 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and/or Friday (Wednesday is already covered). Our kids are lovely and we are looking for somebody on the long term, who is nice with kids, reliable, likes to go out with them and can help them improving their Dutch (speaking and writing skills), and eventually my son aged 8 with homework. The kids go to the European School and speak a little Dutch, English (fluent) and French (native). We are looking forward to meeting you!!

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Kedy potrebujeme opatrovateľku

Po Ut St Št Pi So Ne
Aktualizované: 17. januára 2024

O našej rodine

Hľadaný typ opatrovateľky
  • Opatrovateľka
  • nanny
  • childminder
Preferované miesto na opatrovanie detí
U rodiny
Jazyky, ktorými hovoríme
  • Angličtina
  • Francúzština
  • Holandčina
112 krát

Potrebujeme opatrovateľku, ktorej nevadí

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0 Referencií

Je nám ľúto, ale momentálne nemôžeme vybaviť vašu žiadosť. Ak problém pretrváva, skúste to znova neskôr alebo nás kontaktujte.


Valerie poskytol/poskytla

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Opatrovanie detí v The Hague: Valerie
Hodinová sadzba
11,00 €/hod

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