Opatrovanie detí v Amsterdam: Maria Giovanna

Maria Giovanna

Opatrovanie detí v Amsterdam: Maria Giovanna

Maria Giovanna

Hodinová sadzba
10,00 €/hod

Automatické preklady nemusia byť úplne presné.

*LOOKING FROM JULY 2023* Hello! Let me introduce you to our little international, funny family! There is me: the mom, Maria, Italian, 31, working in HR for an American cybersecurity company. My husband: the dad, Robin, Dutch, 33, working for an American company that provides satellite data. The dog: dachshund, Milan, 4 years old, cutest thing ever and sweetest animal on earth. Loves people more..

*LOOKING FROM JULY 2023* Hello! Let me introduce you to our little international, funny family! There is me: the mom, Maria, Italian, 31, working in HR for an American cybersecurity company. My husband: the dad, Robin, Dutch, 33, working for an American company that provides satellite data. The dog: dachshund, Milan, 4 years old, cutest thing ever and sweetest animal on earth. Loves people more than other dogs and spends her days between cuddles, pillows and snacks. What a life hahaha The baby boy: Jagger Massimo, born the 6th of March. An angel with a nice personality (probably the inherited Italian blood ;) ). Given our hectic work schedule, the crazy timezones we work with and love for travel, cocktails and restaurants we would really like to have a nanny one call away that we can rely on to make sure our baby boy is well looked after! The baby is going to be with us at home 2/3 times a week and at a kindergarten 2/3 times a week (TBC) so we are more looking for somebody on occasion that can help on weekends, evenings and in case of emergency during the week. We live in de Baarsjes, Amsterdam, in a small apartment which we just renovated to make it more cozy and baby ready! Looking forward to meet you and welcome to our family

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Aktualizované: 30. apríla 2023

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Je nám ľúto, ale momentálne nemôžeme vybaviť vašu žiadosť. Ak problém pretrváva, skúste to znova neskôr alebo nás kontaktujte.


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Opatrovanie detí v Amsterdam: Maria Giovanna
Hodinová sadzba
10,00 €/hod

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